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Mortal Kombat Komplete Edition PC

| Rabu, 3 Julai 2013
Baca lagi »Computer Epic

Title : Mortal Kombat Komplete Edition
Size : 8875.0MB
Genre : 2.5D
Platform : PC
Published By : WB Entertainment
Developed By : High Voltage Software
Release Date : 3 July 2012
Repack By : FLT
Game Rating : 
Age Rating : 18
External Links - IGN | Gamespot | WIKIPEDIA | 
Principal gameplay involves one-on-one fighting in a single 2D fighting plane, although characters are rendered in three-dimensional fashion, the intent being to give depth and range to portrayals of various projectiles.

Mortal Kombat Komplete Edition is a Fighting game developed by High Voltage Software and published by WB Entertainment. It was released on 3 July 2012. This Game is available for PC and PS3. In this post we have added links for PC. size of this video game is 8 GB. This repack is by FLT. We have added multi direct download links. We prefer downloading with direct download links because they are fast and resumable. so what are you waiting for download Mortal Kombat Komplete Edition FLT Repack for PC TODAY!
Principal gameplay involves one-on-one fighting in a single 2D fighting plane (at 60 frames per second),[6][7] although characters are rendered in three-dimensional fashion,[8] the intent being to give depth and range to portrayals of various projectiles.[9] Unlike previous Mortal Kombat games, four buttons on the game controller represent attacks and are each linked to a corresponding limb. A new feature is the "super meter", which can be charged by various actions during battle such as performing a combo or getting hit by the opponent.[9] The super meter can be charged to three levels, with three special actions available. A single level can be used to deliver an enhanced version of one of the character's special attacks; two levels can be used to interrupt a combination attack, and the full three levels allow for the delivery of a special attack called an "X-ray move". During this attack, the camera provides an internal view of a defending character and shows bones and organs being broken or ruptured.
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Mortal Kombat Komplete Edition PC

Posted by : DestroyerExplode
Date :Rabu, 3 Julai 2013
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Microsoft Flight Simulator X Deluxe PC Game Free download(direct link)

Baca lagi »Computer Epic


Microsoft Flight Simulator x is a flight simulator developed by Microsoft for its Windows operating system . It is the most used one among the few civil flight simulators of user level that exist presently in part thanks to the general notions on aviation in spite of the criticisms to the model of flight made by the communities of virtual air pilots. Flight Simulator x is one of the most used ones worldwide highly appreciated by enthusiastic amateurs professional pilots apprentices or newcomers. With its instructor and classes of flight you can be initiated in the basic know-how on how to steer an airplane. It also contains a detailed meteorologysystem a system of failures of the airplane and a 3D cabin almost complete with the gadgetsof a basic airplane. There is a great community for the Microsoft Flight Simulator x in part because of the structure of flight simulator that permits numerous modifications to be introduced. Also there are many virtual companies where the pilots can perform their tasks as virtual pilots like in an air company. Flight Simulator X or FSX is the tenth and current version of the flight simulator x. The new characteristics include new airplanes the improvement of the multiplayer support  including the possibility of two players flying a single airplane and the occupation of the control tower and the improvement of landscapes with greater resolution of textures. Also it is the first one of the series to be published exclusively in DVD due to limitations of space. 

  • 800 MHz Intel Pentium III or AMD Athlon processor or equivalent
  • RAM:128 MB RAM
  • Video Memory: 32 MB VRAM
  • Hard Drive Space: 1400 MB
  • Mouse: Yes
  • Sound Board: Yes
  • DirectX: DirectX v8.1

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Microsoft Flight Simulator X Deluxe PC Game Free download(direct link)

Posted by : DestroyerExplode
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| Selasa, 2 Julai 2013
Baca lagi »Computer Epic

Neo-Paris. 2084.

Personal memories can now be digitised, bought, sold and traded. The last remnants of privacy and intimacy have been swept away in what appears to be a logical progression of the explosive growth of social networks at the beginning of the 21st century. The citizens themselves have accepted this surveillance society in exchange for the comfort only smart technology can provide. This memory economy gives immense power over society to just a handful of people.

Remember Me™ is a 3rd person action adventure where players take on the role of Nilin, a former elite memory hunter with the ability to break into people’s minds and steal or even alter their memories. The authorities, fearful of her knowledge and capabilities arrested Nilin and wiped her memory clean. After her escape from prison, Nilin sets out on a mission to recover her identity, helped by her last and only friend. This search for her past leads to her being hunted by the very people that created this surveillance society.

Within bear in mind American state, there is an excellent game troubled to be unfettered, command back by a story that ne'er takes to the air and claustrophobic levels that ne'er enable the amazing near-future setting to require center stage. bear in mind American state isn't the sport its world and premise hint that it may have been; rather, it's merely an honest third-person action game: entertaining , slickly produced, and flavorsome enough to keep you engaged to the finish of its six-hour run time. It conjointly stars an excellent heroine World Health Organization is each powerful and vulnerable, permitting her to square get in associate degreeintriguing world of company influence and lurking danger.

 That world is focused on the Paris of the long run, wherever technology has allowed America to exchange and buy reminiscences, maybe to switch painful reminiscences with pleasant ones, or to share intimate recollections with friends and lovers. however in fact, such power over human feeling conjointly proves dangerous, and happy reminiscences is bought and abused like medicine, or maybe taken and corrupted. Remember Me's opening moments show you the dark side of Neo-Paris, dropping you into a macabre science facility, and forcing you to share the young protagonist's worry and confusion.

Nilin is her name, and guided by the voice in her ear, she escapes into the welcoming arms of a separatist movement called the Errorists. because it seems, she is a messiah of types to its members, though it isn't immediately clear just why she's such an important part of this group's plans. and then as Nilin, you go off to free the world from the tyranny of the technology that has light-emitting diode to such abuse, and to fell the corporation that controls it. you furthermore might get to recover your lost past. World Health Organization square measure you? What events light-emitting diode to the present moment? are you able to trust the words of this mysterious Edge, whose voice guides you from one objective to the next?

This is an incredible premise, and occasionally, bear in mind American state makes smart thereon. The chilling gap is one such example, tho' late-game developments prove poignant further, revealing however personal pain will result in comprehensive consequences for those we tend to love--and even for entire cultures. In between, however, bear in mind American state falls into a rut, leaning on typical computer game tropes, the voice in your ear leading you from one objective to succeeding with solely some words of exposition to inspire you. Nilin even makes a crack regarding being an easy trip runner, and all too usually, that is the role you play.  

Give yourself over to the present theme-park ride, however, and you will have an honest time. bear in mind American state takes on a predictable  however snug rhythm of written platforming, disturbance combat, and lightweight puzzle resolution. The spring and ascent take a transparent cue from the unknown series, the game continuously leading you in the single direction towards your destination. Visual cues continuously shows the path; the fun comes not from the true dangers of navigation, however from the camera angles that highlight the deep chasms below you and therefore the beautiful Neo-Parisian design. some platforming stretches impart a way of urgency, having you evade an aircraft's gunfire, or hurrying on ledges being sporadically electrified. except for the foremost half, bear in mind Me's platforming is not probably to challenge you, solely to stimulate your eyes and ears.

Remember Me's brightest spark, however, is emitted when Nilin enters and manipulates someone's memory in an endeavor to alter their present state of mind. These sequences result in some of the game's additional impactful narrative events, tho' they are best not analyzed an excessive amount of, less the plot start to look too nonsensical. More importantly, memory manipulation is Remember Me's most well-developed gameplay concept. Once you read the event because it originally occurred, you rewind and forward through the scene, seeking the telltale static indicating that you will act with associate degree object. You would possibly move a piece of article of furniture, drop a cigarette, unfasten a safety belt, or move a gun. Adjust the scene in just the right way, and you'll amendment the past--or a minimum of, the past as remembered by the mind you have manipulated--to accommodate the present you require.

   Your attempts to properly shape another's memories might not go right the primary few times, but the scene will still change supported your actions. the following events could even result in your subject's unintended death, or even simply the innocuous fall of associate degree object to the ground. It's intoxicating to observe a whole medium morph around your tries to unravel the puzzle at hand, and therefore the final memory manipulation makes use of a pleasant conception you want to expertise for yourself to understand. Disappointingly, Remember Me offers too few chances to concoct new memories for others.

The insufficiency of memory manipulation is not bear in mind Me's solely dissatisfactory part, however there square measure barely enough nice concepts effervescent underneath its surface to present this journey some heat. Nilin is that the best reason to create this game a future memory: she's resolute, conflicted, and every one too human, creating her a terrific escort through this lovely and underutilized world. bear in mind American state may be a smart game loaded with intriguing ideas; here's hoping that its sequel, should we ever have one, rides these ideas to greatness.

Download Links Black Box Repack [Torrent]:

Remember Me 1
Remember Me 2

Download Links Update 1 GT [Torrent]:



Posted by : DestroyerExplode
Date :Selasa, 2 Julai 2013
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Baca lagi »Computer Epic

Dark Souls Prepare TO Die EDITION   
Developer: From Software  
Publisher: Namco Bandai Games  
Genre: Action, RPG  
Platform: PC / Windows

Last year, Dark Souls was released on consoles. A towering achievement, its treacherous, interconnected realms offered some of the most absorbing exploration a game has ever conjured, and its intense and grueling combat made victory against even the most common enemies a source of gratification and relief. Now, this masterpiece has made its way to PC as the aptly titled Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition. This version adds a few new areas, improves on the console versions in one sense, and falls a bit short of its console counterparts in another. But ultimately, this is the same incredible game that was released on consoles, and if you didn't have the option to play it then, you definitely shouldn't let this opportunity go unseized.

You are undead, struggling to fight your way through the realms of Lordran on a quest whose final purpose is anything but clear. Where many games burden you with plot and background lore, Dark Souls lets the places you go tell their own kind of story, one lost in time and shrouded in mystery. The stone ruins at Firelink Shrine, the overrun town known as the Undead Burg, the vast marble halls of Anor Londo--these all speak of a once-prosperous realm rich with history, and rather than spelling it out in detail, Dark Souls lets you wonder about what has dragged this land into its current state of miserable disrepair. Item descriptions and brief conversations with non-player characters occasionally illuminate the smallest aspects of Lordran's past, and over time, you may piece together a reasonably fleshed-out picture of the crisis that has befallen the land. But you needn't concern yourself with these details if they don't interest you. The wondrous realms of Lordran are sure to seduce you whether you care to know their history or not.
Darkroot Garden is so oppressively green that you can almost feel the air get warm and muggy around you. Running along the surreal shores of Ash Lake is like stepping into a dream. Locations like Anor Londo and the duke's archives fuse faded opulence with grand machinery in a way that's reminiscent of locations in the classic adventure game Myst, and like the realms of that game, these places have a way of staying in your head even when you're not playing. Terrific sound design is a huge factor in Dark Souls' ability to pull you in. Your steps echo convincingly in vast chambers. A heavy suit of armor clangs with every step you take. The strange noises a feared creature makes may send shivers up your spine before you even lay eyes on it. 

Also in this new realm is the Battle of Stoicism, an arena for player-vs.-player battles. Here, you can partake in one-on-one, two-on-two, or four-player deathmatch battles with nothing at stake but leaderboard glory. Sadly, a number of issues make the arena a frustrating place. It's not unusual to have to wait several minutes or more to be matched with an opponent. (This is assuming you're playing the one-on-one battles, which are much more heavily populated than the other types.) Once you are paired up with a foe and dropped into the arena to see which of you can defeat the other the most times in a three-minute period, you can expect lag to plague your battle, as your opponent hops around the screen without animating properly and you sometimes take damage despite the fact that your opponent didn't appear to hit you. The arena's presence doesn't harm the overall game since it's entirely optional, but it doesn't bring much to it, either.
Despite this minor disappointment, Dark Souls remains one of the greatest games of recent years. There's so much to do and to discover in its beautiful and frightening world. You might encounter and join one of nine covenants, each with its own benefits and agendas. You might find that one NPC has murdered another and that you can invade the killer's world as a spirit of vengeance. The genius of Dark Souls isn't just in its environments, or its monsters, its thrilling combat, or the unusual and exciting ways in which players are connected. It's in the uncompromising way it throws conventional wisdom to the wind, dropping you into its dangerous world without guidance, making you fend for yourself, and teaching you to shrug off defeat time and time again to finally earn victory. That this vast and unforgettable masterpiece is now only $40 makes the decision to play it even easier.

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password- awesome


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Deadpool [Full ISO - FLT]

| Isnin, 1 Julai 2013
Baca lagi »Computer Epic

Developer: High Moon Studios
Publisher: Activision Blizzard
Genre: Action
Release Date: 25 June 2013
Size: 5.81 GB
Parts: 6 [1 GB Each]
Requirements: Core 2 Duo 2.6 GHz, 2 GB RAM, Graphic Card 512 MB (GeForce 8800 GT or better), 7 GB HDD, Windows XP(SP3)/Vista(SP2)/7/8
Deadpool Pc Game
 is the best game and some of you may know me as the Merc with the Mouth. And it’s time to get mouthy. Prepare to get Deadpooled – That’s right, $#*! just got real! Couple things I’d like to get off my chest: I’m a mercenary for hire with an accelerated healing factor. I like to run my mouth. Some say I’m unstable but I’m very stable. (Yep, totally stable) (What about that time we beat the dude with his own arms?) (That doesn’t count) And if you want to know what gets me going in the mornings, it’s chimichangas! (Mmmmm Chimichangas) WHOA, I feel better now. All right. I’m gonna battle for the safety of humans (and bewbs!) and mutants (and bewbs!)

Game Features:
  • Let’s Get Some Action: I made sure to capture all my good sides, so I made my game a third-person, action-shooter. (Yep, you get to look at my heinie.)
  • X-Men Groupies: Keep a look out cuz some of my X-Men pals (Whoa, What Pals?!) are making an appearance.
  • Insane Combat: I’m really good at killing, so I made it a blast stringing together combos and totally eviscerating my enemies. (Ev-is-cer-a-ting!)
  • Weapons Galore: I brought my skills and a buttload of my favorite things. Katanas (check), guns (bang!), explosives (boom), duct tape (quack), and of course, yours truly ? ME! (Checkmate!)

Deadpool [Full ISO - FLT]

Posted by : DestroyerExplode
Date :Isnin, 1 Julai 2013
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Afterfall: InSanity Extended Edition [Black Box + SKIDROW]

Baca lagi »Computer Epic

Developer: Nicolas Games Intoxicate
Publisher: Just-A-Game
Genre: Horror / Shooter
Release Date: 25 November 2011
Size: Black Box – 2.75 GB | SKIDROW – 4.1 GB
Parts: Black Box – 3 | SKIDROW – 5 [Both 1 GB Each]
Requirements: Core 2 Duo 2 GHz, 2 GB RAM (3 GB – Vista/7), graphic card 256 MB (GeForce 8600 GT or better), Windows XP/Vista/7
Year 2035
Almost 20 years ago the citizens of The Republic were forced to hide from the turmoil of the Third World War. The lucky ones secured their places in shelters – the fruit of proper forethought and planning. Now, when the fear of death is but a bitter memory, their safe hideout turns into a cursed prison. It should come as no surprise that some find this claustrophobia unbearable and the tiresome dream suddenly becomes a nightmare…
In Afterfall: InSanity our character, Albert, is a member of a team of medics, whose job is to monitor mental stability of shelter inhabitants. He specializes in the confinement syndrome, even though he is not entirely free from its symptoms himself. When all the hell unleashes, Albert will have to find answers to a crucial question: “Who is behind all this and why?”, and try to filter his friends from the enemies. Not only will he face dangers lurking in the dark, but also overcome his own fears and weaknesses.
Download Link

Afterfall: InSanity Extended Edition [Black Box + SKIDROW]

Posted by : DestroyerExplode
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Injustice Among

| Khamis, 27 Jun 2013
Baca lagi »Computer Epic

  1. Anda pernah main game itu?Nama game itu adalah injustice itu hanya terdapat pada ps3......

Injustice Among

Posted by : DestroyerExplode
Date :Khamis, 27 Jun 2013
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